Prime Dental BioFilmX 500ml


Prime Dental BioFilmX 500ml

Original price was: ₨609.00.Current price is: ₨345.00.

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Prime Dental Biofilm-X waterline cleaner is formulated with a blend of enzymes and surfactants that break down and remove biofilm and other contaminants from dental unit waterlines. It is easy to use and can be added directly to the water reservoir of the dental unit. It is recommended to use Biofilm-X waterline cleaner every week to maintain clean and safe waterlines.


  • Ready-to-use solution
  • Economical method to maintain dental chair unit tubing hygiene
  • 1 bottle offers 2 uses of 250ml each
  • For a new clinical setup only 250ml once a week is sufficient to obtain optimum results
  • For the old clinical setup, 250ml is needed for each day for the first 5 days, and thereafter, 250ml once a week is sufficient to obtain optimum results


  • 1 X Biofilm-X (500ml bottle)